Our team is highly qualified and specialised in what they do. We ensure that we treat our clients with the utmost care, respect and empathy in every situation that comes our way.

Sarie Nell
Practice Director
I provide training and professional supportive services to social workers and therapists through Sarie Nell Training and Professional Supportive Services, a company that I founded in 2022. I have over 14 years of experience in private practice, where I specialised in forensic assessments, counseling, therapeutic, and crisis management services for children and families. In 2021 I completed Masters degree at the University of Western Cape, Social Work Department in Child and Family Studies (Research) Cum Laude. The title of the study was "Exploring the experiences of social workers in private practice in care and contact disputes using the best interest of child standard". I am currently a fulltime student at the University of the Western Cape busy with a PhD in Social Work. My title of my study is "Best interest of child in parental responsibilities and rights investigations: Developing process guidelines for social workers in private practices.
In 2024 I have expanded my practice in providing therapeutic services to families in disputes and have appointed social workers who specialise in forensic investigations and therapeutic services as well as mediation.
Social Worker
Specialising In:
Social Emotional Assessments
Play Therapy
Parental Guidance​
With a focus on:
Court-mandated therapy with reports, Attachment, Divorce, Emotional Regulation, Preparation for testimony in court, Child, Sexual Abuse, Parental Guidance.

Lize Wilken